Donate to FECIN

You can make a one-off donation to support the work of FECIN in two ways:

1.   By cheque made out to ‘‘Friends of Ethiopian Children in Need’ and sent by post to:
Hon. Secretary, FECIN, c/o 14 Chesterton Hall Crescent, Cambridge, CB4 1AP, UK

 2.   Direct to our bank account:

Account title                Friends of Ethiopian Children in Need         R/C 1113367

Sort Code                   08 92 99

Account number           65216198

IBAN                          GB55 CBK 0892 9965 2161 98

BIC                            CBBK GB22

Bank name is               Co operative Bank  plc

Please also send an email to contact@fecin.org.uk so we can track and acknowledge your donation.

Please don’t forget that if you are a UK taxpayer you can Gift Aid your donation by downloading this form (left click to download or right Click and Save as) – this enables us to add 25% to your gift.

With many thanks for your support.

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